For almost 30 years I’ve been serving the world as a community organizer, artist, expressive arts facilitator, and traveler and now I find myself in a very large, beautiful house with plenty of space for welcoming the world here in my home. I have a passion for community building across lines of race, class, and culture and have found work on the boards and staff of many church and community non-profit organizations, locally, regionally and internationally.
I am the oldest grandchild in a large farm family in Southern Tennessee and learned the fine art of hospitality from my ancestors, especially warm-hearted grandmothers and great-grandmothers. There was a great synergy and sustainability in the collective, cooperative work of my large family, and in the few years I’ve lived in the “city” I’ve brought this ethic and value to my life in community here.
After 10 years of leadership in the forms of InterPlay, I am currently designing MorningStar Community Arts, linking arts and social transformation, writing, and performing. I’ve written poetry all along the journey and am currently publishing an extensive collection with a title something like: Radical Hospitality: Grief, Grace and Grits. I love to travel and have been to Morocco every summer for several years with extended family there. Hawaii and Australia are favorites, too. I have two adult children, Sara and Eric, and 3 small grandchildren Ben & Sam, 7, Kinza 4, who live nearby and my space is equipped for children of every age with art supplies, books, games, movies, etc.
I love hosting house concerts, circle gatherings, and potlucks in my home and am enjoying taking this longtime practice of hosting friends and family in my home, sharing stories, friendship, and a web of connections that spans the globe.
I spent 20 years traveling the world with my cultural work and my favorite way to visit any city is by doing a creative homestay with hosts that were sometimes friends, and sometimes friends of friends. It’s such a sweet way to come to know a city by having a safe, friendly, homey landing place. So that’s what I want to offer now. The spirit of hospitality comes naturally and easy to me. My family used to say “I never met a stranger.” It might be because I was about 5 before they took me to town and in contact with other folks than the family clan who lived all up and down Crowson Creek where we farmed for 120 years! I really enjoy people in all their variety and would be happy to provide you a good balance of quiet and private time, and also friendly, helpful support as you encounter Nashville.”
I would also like to offer expressive arts facilitation and support to travelers interested in that, and possibly even collaborate with guests to create concerts, workshops and other events in the PlayRoom which holds about 40 people for a concert, and 25 for workshops.
Life motto: “Sometimes you just have to take a leap and build your wings on the way down”..